
Showing posts from September, 2021

Janeshwar Mishra Park-Lucknow

Janeshwar Mishra Park is an urban park, It was made in memory of late politician Janeshwar Mishra from Samajwadi Party which area is approx 376 acre. It is the biggest park in Asia. It was developed with a cost of 168 crores. The park was modeled with Hyde Park in London. There are two water bodies within the park, attracting migratory birds and creating amazing scenery. the park also offers paddle and gondola boat rides along with children’s play area. There is a series of jogging, cycling, and walkways built in the park. The total length of such track/s is 5.28 km., 8.85 km. and 10.5 km. respectively. #Asia's_Biggest_Park

Gomti Riverfront

Gomti River front is nearer to Gomti Nagar Area of Lucknow. The river front is having serene look, with a few lucknow architecture type domes to sit below. There are pathways, grasslands, benches all along the river front. According to Hindu beliefs, the river is the daughter of Rishi Vashist and bathing in the Gomti on Ekadashi can wash away sins. #GomtiRiverfront

Nawab Wajid Ali Shah Zoological Garden- Lucknow

Nawab Wajid Ali Shah Zoological Garden formerly entitled as Prince of Wales Zoological Gardens, Lucknow Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in North India. Besides wildlife, it has the 'Bal Rail' that is basically a toy train that gives you the tour of the entire zoo through a ride. Inside the campus of the zoo, you can also visit the State Museum and Folk Arts Museum. #LucknowZoo

The Residency- Lucknow

रेजीडेंसी की स्थापना 1775 ई में लखनऊ में हुई। नवाब आसफ़ुद्दौला द्वारा इसका निर्माण ब्रिटिश अफसरों के रहने के लिए शुरू कराया गया था। रेजीडेंसी के कई भवन पहले स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान हुई गोलाबरी से छतिग्रस्त हुए थे और अन्य कई भवन पूरी तरह धराशायी हो गए थे। युद्ध के दौरान अंग्रेज रेजीडेंसी में 86 दिन छुपे रहे। स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में हुई गोली-बारी के निशां आज भी वहां लगभग सभी इमारतों पर देखे जा सकते हैं। रेजिडेंसी में मौजूद चर्च के पास करीब 2000 अंग्रेज अधिकारियों और उनके परिवार की कब्रगाह है। वहीं पर मौजूद सर लॉरेंस की कब्र पर लिखा है ‘यहां पर सत्ता का वो पुत्र दफन है जिसने अपनी ड्यूटी के लिए अपनी जान कुर्बान कर दी थी’। इसी कब्रगाह के पास मौजूद एक दूसरी कब्र पर लिखा है ‘रो मत मेरे बेटे, मैं मरा नहीं हूं, मैं यहां सो रहा हूं’। #TheResidency